Easily find ads containing specific keywords, whether on their landing pages or within the ad content itself
Peek into your competitors' top ads and get insights on what works
Check out the most successful ads on popular networks like TrafficStars, ExoClick, and many more.
Reveal the best-performing ads on affiliate networks like CrakRevenue, Tradedoubler and more.
Spend the campaign budget smarter: Target the right days, devices, and publishers
Ad Trend
Find the best days for your ads: See which days get the most attention to plan your campaign.
Target Devices
Know where to advertise: See if people prefer your ads on phones or computers.
Traffic Sources
Find out where the best clicks come from: Focus on places that bring more visitors to your ads.
Easily see the tracking tool used on any landing page.
It's a complete solution to find inspiration - including the ability to download landing pages and customize them.
Find successful pages and download them with images, CSS, and JavaScript in one .zip file.
Switch with ease between grid, list, and landing page views for a easier browsing experience
AdPlexity is the only spy tool with the largest database of ad campaigns
Years of
Collecting Ads
More Data
than competitors